For Organisations
Courageous Conversations
What has courage and connection got to do with successful businesses? In our eyes, they are fundamental to the health and success of organisations today and critical to long-term growth, innovation and success.
For these elements to exist and thrive within an organisation, there must first be a culture of trust, and we’re not alone in thinking this. In Stephen M.R. Covey and Doug R. Conant’s Harvard Business Review article on organisational trust (2016 - bit.ly/47qRykg) they include how 66% of Fortune’s criteria for the “100 best companies to work for” is founded around trust, stating that ‘research shows that “trust between managers and employees is the primary defining characteristic of the very best workplaces.” These companies beat “the average annualized returns of the S&P 500 by a factor of three.”.
By creating an environment of safety to enable honest conversations, The Lamplight works closely with leaders and leadership teams to cast a light on the behaviours, skills and environments that are barriers and obstacles to success.
Here are some of our areas of expertise that we can focus on within your business to help illuminate the challenges and quickly work you to identify how to most effectively overcome them, in order to get the results you need and want.
We are experts in creating safe environments that put you in control of how you wish to proceed and support in ensuring that process succeeds.
Common challenges and obstacles to success that we see often within organisations were beautifully highlighted by Brené Brown, drawing on her decades of research with businesses across the world, in her bestselling book, ‘Dare to Lead’(Penguin Random House, 2018):
These are recognisable and well-documented issues in many businesses. Whilst they are common challenges, they are thus precisely as they are often difficult to diagnose and overcome successfully. Our years of experience and wealth of knowledge can navigate you safely to overcome these issues.
Our approach
Our approach focuses on really getting to know you and your teams, ensuring that we can quickly and effectively build a relationship in order to get the best from our work together. It may be that our work spans all three areas above, or it may be that there is a short term need to focus on one in particular. We will work together to ascertain where it’s possible to gain quick wins, while also focusing on longer term growth and development.
Our non-negotiables
That we work together to be open to exploring trust, curiosity, courage, humility, humour, vulnerability, being challenged, confidence, acknowledging our success, reviewing old stories and creating new ones.
Our challenge to you
Is your business ready to stand in its own light?
“As we let our light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence actually liberates others.”
– Marianne Williamson